(802) 345-1086 rlabate@catamountlc.com

Return to play week is here!  We will be kicking off practices this coming Wednesday 6/17 with all three practice sites running a mini-camp style practice from 5-8pm.

Northern VT Practice Site

Essex Middle School 60 Founders rd Essex, VT

Southern VT Practice Site

Hoosac School 14 Pine Valley Rd Hoosick NY

WMass Practice Site

NMH School Lower Fields Hayfields Rd, Gill, MA

Please find our covid control protocols and waiver for submission linked below.

Please be sure print and complete the attached waiver to submit at check in prior to taking the field. Please be sure to bring a dark/light pinney as well.

Player Expectations

  • Print and Voluntarily sign the Covid Waiver sent via email
  • Review drills that have been sent out prior to practice.
  • No group celebrations. No celebrations that require physical contact.
  • No contact with other players
  • No spitting on the field or sideline.
  • No sharing of water bottles. Players MUST bring personal water bottles which are not to be shared. Players will be advised to bring MORE water than necessary and label their water bottles. Players without water will be sent home.
  • Do not touch or share other players equipment, pinnies, etc.
  • Clothes / uniform should be laundered after each game or training session.
  • Players must keep their jersey on while on the field and within the general vicinity of the field of play.
  • “Arrive, Play, Leave”. No gathering at the field or in the parking lot after practices
  • Respect other players. If you have concerns of being ill, STAY HOME!!!


Catamount Covid Control Protocols
Catamount Covid Waiver